Are you leaving your customers alone in the wilderness?
Staying in touch with customers’ perceptions has become an integral part of most organizations’ business processes, and MSG is there to assist with all aspects regardless of size or complexity.
Net Promoter Score, customer satisfaction, ongoing or occasional tracking… MSG is there to support your process through design, implementation, and program management. Phone, online, or IVR, our goal is to implement the data collection method that is most appropriate for the business and your customers.
MSG team members are Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners where process is a fundamental foundation of our approach. MSG has built an extensive infrastructure to manage all touchpoints and provide ongoing metrics to all the constituents within your organization. Click on process map
Transactional Voice Programs
These programs tend to be ongoing measurements of recommendation, satisfaction overall or with individual touch points within the organization. Constituents want the information in a fast, easy-to-use format. MSG has developed automated online reporting. Designed to deliver transactional information within 24 hours, and can be easily downloaded into formats that can be integrated into ongoing analysis.
Periodic Comprehensive Programs
Comprehensive voice programs are designed to examine the business across multiple touch points to determine which factors have the highest influence in driving loyalty. MSG utilizes a wide range of multivariate techniques to examine the key factors that influence alignment, the gaps, and areas for improvement. These programs tend to be reported on a quarterly basis and are delivered via Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
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